Saturday 3 October 2009

Developing the inner observer

As I go through life one of the most important aspect seems to be the inner observer, an inner objective viewpoint from which you can take a look at what's really going on without the interference of str0ng emotions, judgment and preconceptions.

I'm offering some helpful pointers on using your own objective inner observer:-

  • Let your inner observer watch inner events neutrally - just recording the data
  • Notice the difference between different sensations, thoughts, emotions and actions
  • Let your non judgmental inner observer use neutral non judgmental language as it talks
  • Let your inner observer "rise" above emotions and not get caught up in them
Your internal observer is excellent for getting to the root of problems, noticing how and when you're getting in your own way, and identifying opportunities for change and improvement.

Have you ever reacted so strongly to a situation that you're not really getting an accurate view of what's going on? Maybe you try to do something and fail, or don't do it well, and you immediately start beating up on yourself for not being able to do anything right. Or maybe something happens that pushes your buttons just right, and you react in a way that runs counter to moving you forward along your path (getting angry, running away from it, etc.).

We all do things like that. And if we don't have any way to back up and take a look at what's really happening, odds are good we'll just keep encountering it again and again.

The inner observer is applicable in any situation in your life, whether it's work, relationships, or anything else. With practice, it will start to kick in automatically and help you get an obective picture of events.

I've been working hard at developing my own inner observer over the last few years. It's far from 100% automatic, but I have noticed a real difference when it does kick in. It typically starts with, "Huh. Isn't that interesting. I wonder what's going on here. I wonder what's behind that reaction. Is that really accurate?"

I'm not always able to extricate myself from being up to my eyeballs in whatever it is, but at least it gives me more information to work with once I'm not in the heat of it.